Perfect for nature-loving pre-schoolers, National Geographic Little Kids magazine is crammed full of cute creatures, interactive activities and mind-teasing puzzles. It's not just fun - it's an adventure that nurtures your child's key skills in numeracy, literacy, and beyond!
Why? • Why do prairie dogs dig long tunnels?
Tunnel Tangle • Which tunnel will lead the mummy prairie dog to her three babies?
Fruity Fun • Can you name these fruits? What letters are missing?
What Is Different? • Look at each picture in the top row. Find the differences between it and the one below.
That’s Cool! • Meet the emerald tree boa.
Snake Doodles • Finish drawing patterns on all these wriggling snakes!
Rainbow Birds
Tell the Tail • Animals use their tails in many different ways. Use the clues to say how the animals in these pictures use their tails.
MORE CANIDS • Dholes are dog-like animals called canids. Meet some other canids.
Flower Feast • Butterflies and bumblebees eat a food called nectar. Nectar comes from flowers. Help these insects find their flowers.
A Sea Turtle Hatches
About Town • It’s a busy day on the high street!
Let’s visit… DENMARK! • Denmark is a mostly flat country in northern Europe. It has more than 400 islands.
Danish Delights • People in Denmark like to eat open sandwiches called smørrebrød.
On Your Bike • Uh oh, these bicycles have missing wheels! Draw circles to add wheels on to the bikes. Then add some spokes.
Pretty Pinwheels • A pattern is a colour or shape that repeats over and over. Find all the pinwheel patterns using the clues below.
National Geographic Little Kids