Perfect for nature-loving pre-schoolers, National Geographic Little Kids magazine is crammed full of cute creatures, interactive activities and mind-teasing puzzles. It's not just fun - it's an adventure that nurtures your child's key skills in numeracy, literacy, and beyond!
Why? • Why do you think birds have beaks?
Bird Beaks • Birds' beaks come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. Stick the missing beaks on these birds!
Pretty in Pink • Can you name these pink things? What letters are missing?
What Is Different? • Look at each picture in the top row. Find the differences between it and the one below.
That’s Cool! • Meet the frilled lizard.
Join the Dots • Finish drawing this lizard’s frill. Then colour it in!
Spot the Spots • These animals all have spots. Count the spots you can see on each animal. Now point to a number. Find an animal that has the same number of spots.
Colours of Nature! • Look at each flower. Look at each bird. Say the colour of each flower and bird. Draw a line with your finger from each flower to the bird that is the same colour.
A Jerboa Jumps
Scuba Dive • Exploring underwater!
Insect-chasing Dinosaur • Buitreraptor had small teeth. Its teeth were too tiny to hunt big animals. So this dinosaur caught insects, lizards and other small animals to eat.
Let’s visit... CHILE! • Chile is a long, narrow country that snakes down the west side of South America.
Missing Pieces • Vicuñas are wild, woolly creatures that live in the Andes mountains of Chile.
Catch that Cow! • Chilean cowboys are called huasos. Can you tell which huaso has thrown a lasso around the cow?
Open or Closed? • These pictures show open or closed things. Open your mouth when you find something open. Close your mouth when you see something closed.
National Geographic Little Kids