This fascinating first volume in a short series provides a unique insight into the world of reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates, and is aimed at the general reader. It highlights more than 100 of the most stunning discoveries that have been made by scientists around the world about this group of creatures since the start of the current decade. These studies reveal not just the existence of new species, but also provide amazing insights into the lifestyles and biology of members of these groups, and, in some cases, highlight how they can actually help us in various ways, offering a fresh insight into the natural world. Fully illustrated in colour throughout.
Amazing Discoveries about Reptiles, Amphibians & Invertebrates. Volume 1
New Australian snake faces an uncertain future
The green-blooded lizards
The turtle without a shell
Unknown toad found on an Angolan mountain
Investigating a deadly invader
Dracula ants can move faster than any other animal!
Size matters in tortoises
A range of new finds
The hidden advantage possessed by the blue-tongue skink
Moving snakes may not aid their conservation
Extraordinary tree frog discovered in the Andes of Ecuador
Cannibalistic cobras on the hunt
Giving a head start to tortoises
Warming temperatures threaten turtle populations
Lizards adapt quickly to new killer invertebrates
The legacy of Lonesome George
Amazing discoveries in Europe
Crocodiles on the move?
Newly-discovered turtle faces extinction
New tarantula species from Angola has a one-of-akind ‘horn’ on its back
New Ethiopian species of puddle frog found on an unexplored mountain
New stiletto snake discovered
Why are some snake venoms more deadly?
World’s biggest bee rediscovered
Spiders and Star Wars
New snakes found in South America
The hidden star
How some sea snakes stay safe
Oldest frogs yet known unearthed in the USA
The death roll increases
Good news about Pacific turtle populations
Sea turtles in trouble
Tortoises on the move
Defining characteristics of male lizards are resilient to stress
Stunning new stick insects discovered
Divided up
New mini frogs found on Madagascar
Sunbathing slows development
An American symbol on the retreat
Incredible diversity found in frogs from the Seychelles
Stuck together by slug glue
Lizard lays eggs then gives birth to live young
New European snake species discovered
Long-standing snake mystery
Tortoises hunted
Are otters now threatening amphibian populations?
Snake bites affected by rain
Jurassic crocodile sheds light on family tree
Killer spiders
Night light not recommended for amphibians
Putting the bite on an ancient reptile from New England
Resistance to deadly amphibian fungus
Flying reptiles over Britain
Reptile platypus from the Triassic
Fluorescent frog found
Scuba-diving lizard found
Tick, tock and the role of the croc!
An island haven for amphibians
Elephant aid
Hidden threat to bumblebees
Effective conservation measures assist giant South American river turtles
Vegetarian crocs
Deep sea dives
Good viruses and bad bacteria
A super-cool invertebrate
Skin bacteria can protect frogs from attack
New solutions sought to snake bites
Leatherbacks start to bounce back in Brazil
How the dragon got its frill
Blue-tongue ancestor had round teeth
Stessed tadpoles less likely to survive as...