Birds & Blooms is the #1 bird and garden magazine in North America with more than 1 million subscribers. We pride ourselves in celebrating the “beauty in your own backyard” with a mix of expert advice and personal stories from our family of readers. Our magazine covers a wide range of topics such as attracting hummingbirds, building birdhouses, gardening for butterflies, feeding birds for less, growing veggies, tales of readers’ birding experiences, plus a whole lot more.
Autumn Vibes
Sensational Sedums • These hot-weather stars require little work
Food-Focused and Fierce • Meet Canada jays and learn why they eat almost anything they can find
Red-Hot Plants • Scarlet-hued berries add a pop of color to any garden
Embracing the Darkness • From black plants to moody decor, Gothic garden elements can offer a unique outlet to express your dark side
Sparrow Look-Alikes • Distinct sounds help separate these similar species
Autumn Wonders • Fall colors offer befitting backdrops for these stunning reader photos
ON THE MOVE • Birds approach the challenges of migration in surprising ways. Learn about how they walk, swim or take the scenic route during their travels.
Perfect YOUR OWN Prairie • Learn how to cultivate an oasis of grassland flora in your backyard
Ask the Experts • Pros decipher perplexing gardening and wildlife situations
Sense or Nonsense? • Why some birds can taste and smell—but others can’t
Caption This! • A woodpecker sizes up a much bigger relative
How do you deter squirrels from your feeders? • Readers share how they handle these clever, acrobatic and sometimes frustrating critters
Birds & Blooms
Maple Mania • Amazing facts about this fall foliage mainstay