The alluring silver sphere in our night sky has captivated our imagination and ambition for generations, and now its secrets are finally being revealed. In Book of the Moon, find out what really happened when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin stepped outside their lunar module and uncover what is being done to preserve that moment in history before taking a tour of the craters and maria. Learn how to take the perfect photographs of our lunar neighbour, and discover what’s really on the Moon’s far side. All you have to do is turn the page to be rocketed into space...
All About Space Book of the Moon
Explorer’s Guide The Moon • Take a tour of our nearest neighbour and discover a world much stranger than you thought
Top sights to see on the Moon
The lunar orbit explained • The Moon spins on its axis at the same speed as it rotates around the Earth. This ‘tidal locking’ means a day on the Moon lasts almost four weeks. As the day/night terminator creeps slowly across the surface, we see a different phase illuminated in the sky each night, from new Moon to full Moon and back again.
The Moon in numbers
The gravity of the Moon’s situation • Gravity is an ever-present force that shapes the universe, but what about its influences on Moon?
The receding Moon • If you think a receding hairline is bad, we could lose the Moon!
WHAT MADE OUR MOON? • Understanding how our lunar companion was formed might just explain how we came to be here
How the Moon wasn’t made
How the Moon was made
Moon rock analysis • Hundreds of lunar rock samples were brought back to the Earth during the Apollo missions for scientific study and research
Lunar make-up
IS THE MOON A PLANET? • New Horizons’ scientists have fuelled debate by creating their own definition of a planet, but it also has consequences for our Moon
Observer’s guide to the SUPERMOON • Make the most of the lunar surface as the Moon makes its close approach to the Earth
What causes a supermoon? • When a full Moon coincides with perigee – the point in its orbit where it is closest to Earth – our Moon appears slightly larger than usual. Here’s what happened in 2016
How to make a supermoon mosaic • Make a memory that lasts and capture a high-definition shot of a mega-Moon
Top supermoon targets • Whether you’re using a telescope, binoculars or the naked eye, there are plenty of sights to be had on the lunar surface
SECRETS FROM THE FAR SIDE OF THE MOON • Often referred to as the dark side of the Moon, it’s about time we went back – according to NASA’s lunar astronauts and planetary scientists
Two sides to the Moon • We can't see the far side from Earth, but the lunar faces are impressively different
A base on the Moon • In the future, it’s hoped that humanity will set up camp on the lunar surface
What the far side holds • China’s Chang’e 4 mission explores the hidden side of the Moon
Who owns the MOON? • Outside the confines of the Earth’s atmosphere, All About Space uncovers who can stake claim on other bodies in the Solar System and beyond
The Space Race • It was the growth of the rivalry between the United States and the USSR that saw the need for the Outer Space Treaty
Colonising the Moon • Our lunar companion could serve as a stepping stone in surviving on other worlds in the Solar System
Why we should mine asteroids • Asteroids provide natural resources to fuel the exploration of space and the prosperity on Earth as our population continues to grow
How to… Photograph the Moon with your smartphone • You too can take great-looking images of the lunar surface using your mobile device
Shooting with an iPhone, Android or BlackBerry •...