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Origins of a dynasty • Trace back the lineage that sparked the War of the Roses
Henry VI and the Wars of the Roses • In war, blood is power, blood is family, blood is everything. England’s Wars of the Roses split a country in two and saw the rise and fall of no fewer than four monarchs
Battle for the throne • The key players in the bloody quest for ultimate power
The many Wars of the Roses • 30 years of conflict mapped out on a bloody land
Wars of the Roses in Shakespeare and beyond • How has literature and film portrayed the events?
The ultimate guide to England’s Game of Thrones • Follow our comprehensive timeline of the key events that decided the outcome in the Wars of the Roses
Battle of Towton • How one of the bloodiest battles in English history was fought amidst the gruesome conflict we know as the Wars of the Roses
Battle of Tewkesbury • The bloody showdown between the House of York and House of Lancaster is seen as one of the decisive battles of the Wars of the Roses
Dawn of the Tudors • During the Wars of the Roses, many vied to wear the crown of England, but an unlikely claimant silenced the battle drums to become king
The Wars of the Roses • The corrupt court of weak Henry VI, dominated by his favourite the Duke of Somerset and the queen, led disa. ected nobles to _ ght for change
A Medieval knight
Who Was The Better King? • They shared a battle_ eld at Bosworth and the crown of England, and despite long and short reigns, they can be compared
Richard’s Wounds • Researchers identi_ed at least 11 injuries on the recently discovered king’s skeleton.Some may have been in_icted after death to abuse the body
Henry VII • The king who won his crown through battle and had to fight throughout his reign to keep it, and in doing so established the mighty Tudor dynasty
Prince Arthur • The tragic story of Henry Tudor’s first-born son, the boy who would have been king
Henry VIII • In pursuing dreams of victory in France, Henry threw England into decades of war and the chaos of a Europe in conflict
Debacle at Gascony • June 1512
Victory at Flodden Field • 9 September 1513
Father of the Royal Navy • Inside the Mary Rose
Battle of the Spurs • 16 August 1513
The Siege of Boulogne • 19 July – 18 September 1544
The Rough Wooing • December 1543 – March 1550
Thomas Cromwell • How a member of the poor working class became one of England’s most important and ruthlessly political statesmen
The six wives of Henry VIII • The tales of love, ambition and tragedy of the women whose lives changed forever when they became the subjects of Henry VIII’s affections
Divorced: Catherine of Aragon • The eternal queen who was stripped of everything but her dignity
Beheaded: Anne Boleyn • She gave birth to one of England’s greatest rulers, but her own reign was one of heartbreak and tragedy
Died: Jane Seymour • Henry’s beloved wife, who sacrificed everything to give him the son he desired
Divorced: Anne of Cleves • The mild daughter of Cleves who became the subject of one of the most infamous portraits of all time
Beheaded: Catherine Howard • The fun-loving, effervescent girl whose past loves sent her to the gallows
Survived: Catherine Parr • The learned and talented widow who did her duty, then followed her heart
10 HENRY VIII’S WORST ENEMIES • The rivals, relatives and subjects who dared defy the Tudor tyrant
Edmund de la Pole • The son of John de la Pole, duke of Suffolk, and Elizabeth Plantagenet, sister of Edward IV...